Thursday, January 17, 2013

Raspberry Pi - GPIO - Scratch - Remote Control Car


Tonight I wired up the remote to the circuit and the circuit to the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.
Booted the Raspberry Pi and connected using Putty and Xming to get an Xwindow display on my netbook.

Ran the GPIO Scratch after installing the code I mentioned before.

 The bits of code make the car go forward, backwards and turn (forwards and backwards)

Raspberry Pi in PiBow connected to the circuit for controlling the remote control
 Ignore the Arduino in the picture I just have it attached to the
board with the proto board

When I click on the code blocks the car moved - YEAH!. So, I figured out the controls for the remote.  Make 4 small circuits to allow the GPIO Pins to activate the remote control.  With a massive amount of help from where I got the Scratch GPIO control code from I got Scratch to switch the GPIO pins and made the car move.

The quality of the car was causing some problems as the wheels would get stuck on the carpet.

This was great fun to do and as a possible beginners electronics/Raspberry Pi/Soldering/Scratch project it may suit. Wait a moment that kind of a very specific set of requirements.

Here's hoping the car is bit more accommodating on Sunday.

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